Because disparities in early palliative care access for Black and Latina women with advanced breast cancer (ABC) continue to persist, researchers elicited qualitative feedback from patients with ABC as well as health care professionals to adapt a community navigator–led early palliative care program called ACCESS to improve access for this patient population. Results were published in Cancer. ...
Disparities in Breast Cancer
Researchers found that compared with White women, Black women had a higher risk of breast cancer death of a tumor type.
Individuals living in lower-income areas experience disproportionately higher rates of late-stage diagnoses and mortality
the 20-year risk of dying from breast cancer did not differ significantly when comparing bilateral mastectomy
Despite mounting evidence that no level of alcohol consumption is safe many people are unaware of the risks.
reports reveal preventive mastectomy is disproportionately lower among Black patients
Non-Hispanic Black women have worse breast cancer outcomes compared to White women.
Black women experience more frequent delays through the breast cancer care continuum.
Puerto Ricans with breast cancer patients suffer noble health disparities compared to non-Hispanic Whites and Hispanics.