Researchers found that compared with White women, Black women had a higher risk of breast cancer death of a tumor type. Individuals living in lower-income areas experience disproportionately higher rates of late-stage diagnoses and mortality the 20-year risk of dying from breast cancer did not differ significantly when comparing bilateral mastectomy Studies show that obesity is a risk factor for both Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer. responding physicians (92%) reported that prior authorization causes treatment delays for their patients FD&C Red No. 3, or erythrosine, a petroleum-based dye, must be phased out of food by January 2027 studies have identified important long-term risks of esophageal cancer, including tobacco, alcohol, and reflux esophagitis The USGS model predicts that about 71-95 million people rely on groundwater with detectable PFAS. Despite mounting evidence that no level of alcohol consumption is safe many people are unaware of the risks. reports reveal preventive mastectomy is disproportionately lower among Black patients African American patients with tumor thrombus had a 22% higher risk of mortality. The presence of a trial in a county was associated with a reduction in bladder cancer mortality. Asian and Hispanic populations had the lowest rates of screening. Hispanic patients tended to have higher costs for hospitalization. Less than half of VA hospitals are sites for prostate cancer clinical trials. Patients who are transgender and gender nonconforming with genitourinary and gynecologic cancers face inequalities in care. Enrollment falls short by approximately one in 14 women with kidney cancer. Colorectal cancer screening was higher among patients who had accessed their online medical records. Non-Hispanic Black women have worse breast cancer outcomes compared to White women. Research has linked TCE exposure to liver and kidney cancers, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma