Dr. Barry and colleagues found that living in a disadvantaged neighborhood was associated with a significantly higher More early-stage lung cancers were diagnosed in individuals with a history of smoking who were adherent to annual screening. Dr. Hertler breaks down the FDA’s restricting PD-1 inhibitor drugs for PD-L1-negative stomach and esophageal cancers Only 61% of eligible Black adults reported being current with screening as of 2021—well below the national goal of 80%. Researchers selected representative groups for individuals with more than a 5% risk of developing BE or EC Most Americans don’t know that what they eat and drink and how much they move impact their risk of colorectal cancer. Researchers categorize White and Black patients with colon cancer based on disease stage and propensity-score match. Dr. Terra Wonsettler talks about cardiotoxicity prevalence of cancer drugs among patients and accelerated drug approval. Results consistently showed that individuals in the highest quintile of calcium intake had a lower incidence. Tamara Thomas and Dr. Monique Nugent discuss former US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy's strong recommendations, wise words. Little is known about the effect of recent advances, particularly the approval of venetoclax, in acute myeloid leukemia. Researchers investigated whether socioeconomic status and healthcare resource availability affect OS in multiple myeloma. SGPCRI is calling for nominations for the $1M Stephenson Global Prize and Letters of Intent for their Scholar Grants. Studies show that young patients with breast cancer with (ER)–positive and ERBB2-negative tumors can have a poor prognosis. Researchers sought to improve access to early palliative care for Black and Latina women with advanced breast cancer. Persistent or newly developed lymphopenia after diagnosis was also linked to an increased risk of mortality. Researchers found that compared with White women, Black women had a higher risk of breast cancer death of a tumor type. Individuals living in lower-income areas experience disproportionately higher rates of late-stage diagnoses and mortality the 20-year risk of dying from breast cancer did not differ significantly when comparing bilateral mastectomy Studies show that obesity is a risk factor for both Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer.